Going Home Soonby Jim

20 Mar 2023
10:03 am

The nurse just read us our discharge instructions, so that’s an excellent sign we will not be staying overnight. We were prepared to stay, just in case, but the anesthesiologist (who stopped by) said we should be discharged by about noon.

Since Angie had a venous catheterization, that means a faster recovery. Femoral catheterizations require that you lie flat for 4 hours without moving after the procedure, which can get real boring. Venous catheterizations only require 1 hour of no movement after you wake up.

We may or may not get a visit from Angie’s cardiologist before we head out. We think the nurse practitioner will stop by before we leave and I’ll post anything important she tells us.

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  1. Sarah Michael
    10:36 AM on March 20th, 2023

    Happy to hear that the procedure went well! I am sorry to say that a cursory search of cardiac catheterization greeting cards is NOT proving very fruitful. The good news is that I now have the perfect Etsy shop idea. 🙂 Thank you for the updates!

  2. Lynn and Gay Jones
    11:33 AM on March 20th, 2023

    Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Angie is always in our thoughts and prayers.

    Love you guys
    Lynn and Gay Jones

  3. Rick and Jacki 6
    2:40 PM on March 20th, 2023

    So glad to read your positive update. Happy you get to go home. Prayer vigil continues.
    Rick and Jacki

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