The Master Editorby Jim

10 Mar 2014
10:03 am

We had an interesting chat over lunch yesterday that I wanted to share: we started talking about seeing our lives after we die.  Dad told Carol that in most recorded near-death experiences the individual usually sees their own life play back.  Jon started talking about how interesting it would be to watch a playback of our life.  Not so much from a near-death experience perspective, all in a flash, but just if someone could put together a movie of our life.  He supposed that you could make someone look like a real jerk or a saint just by how you choose to “edit” their “footage.”  We started talking about how our own memories are somewhat selective and that a movie (edited by someone else) could be very eye opening to someone about themselves.  Carol then suggested that the Atonement takes out the bad parts.  I said that makes the Savior the best editor for our life movies, and that the Atonement is what makes it possible.  We all agreed that Mom’s movie would be the longest of all of ours, having the fewest parts removed.

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