Going Homeby Jim

3 Dec 2013
7:12 pm

We just received our discharge instructions and I’m walking out to get the car now.  Angie was a little slow waking up, so they kept her in recovery longer than usual.  We’re quite happy wet get to go home tonight.  We have a return checkup on Monday to make sure everything is still okay.  Thanks for your love and support today!

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  1. Heather
    7:29 PM on December 3rd, 2013

    I’ve been pretty quiet through all of this. I just want you to know how much I love you guys. And our prayers haven’t been quiet. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily! I was walking through Target the other day and saw this sign that simply said, “Be Brave” Thought I would share it with you. XOXO

  2. Kathy Hoffman
    5:17 AM on December 4th, 2013

    So happy you got to go home same day. The doctors must be feeling pretty good about Angie’s progress. Love you both so much. May this be a great day of R&R for you.

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