It’s ours!by Jim

21 May 2010
4:05 pm

We closed on our house today! Here are our keys, as proof — keys to our very own house!

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  1. Russel
    10:38 PM on May 21st, 2010


  2. Risi
    9:07 AM on May 22nd, 2010

    I’m just so dang excited for you!! I love you both!

  3. Sarah Shelley
    9:34 AM on May 22nd, 2010

    Congratulations Friends!!!! I am so happy for you two!

  4. Kimberly
    12:19 PM on May 23rd, 2010

    Congratulations! I’m so excited for you guys! Emily and I will have to come visit to see your new place! 😀

  5. Momma Hoffman
    3:39 PM on May 24th, 2010

    The keys to your very own kingdom 😉 Just remember that moving is NEVER as easy as you think it will be, and ALWAYS takes more time & money than you think it will… but when all is said and done, it’s worth it – So, take the time to enjoy it. Take time to laugh when things seem crazy. Take time to sit among the boxes and enjoy the fact that they are your boxes sitting in your very own home. Take lots of pictures so you can look back and say; “Wow, we’ve made progress. Look how it used to look!” Give yourselves lots of time to get settled in. Remember that spending time with each other is more important than unpacking all of the boxes right now! Enjoy each part of this as much as you can. You will only move into your first house once. Make it a happy memory! Congrats!

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