My “Bit of Earth”by Angie

1 May 2008
7:05 pm

My little plantsWe don’t have a yard or a garden – per se – but I have recently turned our front porch into a little nursery for my own amusement. It started with a few cooking herbs, but has grown to include potted petunias and forget-me-nots (seeds for the latter were given to us by Jim’s grandmother), as well as three cherry tomato plants and even a dwarf meyer lemon tree, which seems very happy despite the close quarters.My little tree

Incidentally, this gardening mania – which has been latent within me for quite a long time – has been encouraged by the creation of our ward gardening group. We took a tour of Alden Lane Nursery a few weeks ago, and I have become addicted. Alden Lane is like a garden itself, and I could wander up and down the rows, under the huge oak trees, for hours.

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  1. Momma Hoffman
    6:39 AM on May 3rd, 2008

    Ahhhh… califonia sunshine! Here it is the 3rd of May, and here in Orem it is still too cold to even think about planting any tender new plants in the yard! It was in the 30’s again last night. I can’t wait to come see your plants close up. Your little patio garden looks so cute!

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