I’m ok, really!by Angie

21 Jul 2008
11:07 am

Apparently a conversation at ward choir, coupled with some misguided comments of my own, have led people to believe that something is seriously wrong with me and I’m having another surgery.  Let me clear the matter up:

Since my laparotomy in May, my recovery has been fairly normal except that there seemed to be some swelling that never quite went away.  When I discovered a couple of weeks ago that I could feel an actual lump in my abdomen, I was afraid that there was another cyst that they had missed and made an appointment with my PCP.  In the mean-time, my cardiologist wanted to run some tests to make sure the swelling wasn’t heart-related (which would have been a very, very bad thing):  those results came back today all normal, so it’s probably not that, thank goodness.

My PCP ordered an ultrasound and I went to see her on Friday about the results.  She thinks it is likely that I may have a ventral/incisional hernia and has referred me to a doctor out in Pleasanton to see if that can be confirmed.  If that’s the problem, it might possibly require surgery at some future point, but we really have no idea yet.  It’s all very exasperating, but for the moment I am really ok.  I’m so grateful for my very attentive home teachers, bishop, and others in our ward who responded so quickly and fervently with offers of help and support.  We certainly have a lot of wonderful friends.

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  1. Kenn North
    12:35 PM on July 21st, 2008

    The Mormon gossip train is a difficult thing to stop!

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