In God We Trustby Angie

3 Nov 2008
2:11 pm

This month has been a roller coaster! I apologize that we haven’t kept our blog very up-to-date, but everything has been moved to the back burner while we campaign for Proposition 8. This is our first experience being part of a “grassroots movement.” It wasn’t exactly fun – honestly, I hope I never have to do something like this again – but it has certainly been an amazing experience, and I’ve learned a lot.

We’re making phone calls again today, and will be waving signs downtown for another hour or two this afternoon. Tomorrow I’ll be at one of the polling locations (the legal distance away) with signs and fact sheets to help any last minute undecided voters see the issue clearly. It’s amazing to think there are really less than 36 hours left in a project that has taken up our time and emotions for the past several months! I’m so grateful for the prayers, fasting, donations, and support of all our family and friends. I’m very confident that we will be successful, and trust that, after all we can do, California is in Heavenly Father’s hands.

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  1. Kristyn
    4:12 PM on November 3rd, 2008

    Well I made some phone calls today as well. I only got one “sure”. That was a little disappointing,

    You are impressive missy!

  2. Momma Hoffman
    8:55 AM on November 5th, 2008

    Well, I hope you can feel good about your efforts today! What a close vote, which says that every little bit of effort from those like you really did make a difference! What an experience to be part of the political movement of such a pivotal election year. Be sure to record your thoughts and feelings in your journals! The 2008 vote will be talked about for years to come.

  3. Kristyn
    9:37 AM on November 5th, 2008

    Congrats! It’s people like you that made this happen!

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